Natalie In Guatemala

Since 2016

Evangelism and Discipleship through Education.

The Journey to Guatemala

I’ve always wanted to change the world. At least that’s what I thought.

But when I first traveled to Guatemala as a wide-eyed 16-year-old with dreams of being a hero, I was confronted with a very harsh reality.

Missions are super uncomfortable. And by helping, we who intrude on impoverished countries with our savior mindsets can actually hurt more than help.

Dissatisfaction overwhelmed me the more I traveled to this small village of Chivoc during spring break mission trips. There had to be more than this.

We played with children whose names we didn’t know, to leave them in a few days to a life we couldn’t even imagine.

We built stoves and houses for families and encouraged them to accept the Lord, but what happened to them when we were gone? Would they keep their promise to seek truth?

When I was 18, I reached out to the pastor of the Chivoc church.

“I love your village and your people,” I told him through a translator. “I want to do something. Anything. But I want to serve here. Is there any need I could meet?”

The pastor began to weep.

“Go home,” he said through his tears. “Go back where your life is easy and comfortable. No one truly cares for us. We are a forgotten community.”

I urged him, praying he’d see my sincerity despite my youth.

“There is one thing,” he said. “The middle school needs an English teacher.”

What he didn’t know was that I’d been dreaming to become a teacher since I was a child. This call from God couldn’t be more obvious.

Years passed. Years of waiting and preparation. There were times when the calling was so strong, I’d think, dream, and speak of nothing else, yearning for the day when I would graduate college and go.

Finally, in 2016, I said heart-wrenching goodbyes to everyone and everything I’d ever known. And I began this great adventure.

evangelism in the chivoc middle school


I absolutely LOVE my job at the Chivoc middle school. There are around 120 students between the ages of 12-18. I teach English and Sociales Studies to my four classes of around 30-45 students each.

And God opened doors to ministry!

Since Guatemala is a Catholic country, the government allows the use of Bibles in school. Scripture has become my main curriculum for my classes.

Every week, the students open their Bibles to study reading comprehension and their memory verse.

And because of the student sponsorship program through UNUM International, I have begun a student mentoring program. I mentor 1 or 2 students each day, providing a safe space for them to share the difficulties they face.

In a community that is physically impoverished, I connect with short-term mission teams and non-profits to bring aid and opportunities to the village of Chivoc, for my students and their families.

For the youth of the community, their lives and their families so emotionally impoverished, I use the Bible to teach English andmentor students individually and teach these teenagers that they have worth and hope in Jesus.

And in the midst of the darkness of spiritual impoverishment, I get to know my students, listen to their troubles, hear their doubts, and point them to the One who saves.

That is what I do in the Chivoc middle school.


Discipleship with young BELIEVERS


The young believers of Chivoc face many challenges.

Since the syncretistic Catholic church in the village is against Evangelicals, many new believers suffer persecution upon accepting Christ. They are surrounded by false teachings, hardships, and even the struggle of being illiterate.

With my discipleship group, I train 6 leaders to teach our group of over 30 new believers. These leaders are taught how to rightly interpret and teach the scriptures so to create disciples who are growing in their faith and then, in turn, teach others.

In our group, new believers memorize verses and doctrinal statements, a priceless resource for those who cannot read.

They practice inductive Bible study and spiritual disciplines, so that they can read Scripture and grow spiritually on their own. And they train to disciple others, learning teaching techniques and small group leadership skills so that they may put into practice what they have learned.

What a blessing it is to walk alongside these new believers, some even my former students, as they learn more about their Savior and grow in their faith in the midst of a dark and violent world.

God is doing mighty things in Guatemala. Will you join the adventure?

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